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发布日期:2025-01-04 10:25 点击次数:181
上海市国际学生预科学院“上海市国际学生预科学院”(以下简称“预科学院”)是由上海市教育委员会设立,委托上海师范大学进行管理与日常教学的国际学生预科教育基地。“预科学院”依托上海师范大学的师资、学科优势及办学资源,同时充分借鉴中国政府奖学金本科生开展预科教育的模式与经验,制定适合预科学生的教学及管理方案,使学生通过预科学习在汉语言知识和能力、相关专业知识以及跨文化交际能力等方面达到进入中国高等学校进行专业学习的基本标准。一、项目介绍1.招生对象计划在上海市各高校进行本科专业学习,在汉语言知识和能力、相关专业知识以及跨文化交际能力等方面尚未达到进入中国高等学校专业阶段学习基本标准的国际学生。2.学制一年。3.课程设置及教学安排第一学期为汉语语言听说读写强化课程,每周30课时。第二学期增加经贸汉语、数学、中国文化、理科综合和文科综合课程,每周30课时。预科学院组织中文语言角、国际文化节等语言文化体验活动。4.硬件设施预科学生的教室均配备空调和多媒体设备,另有配备数字化语音设备的语音教室,教学楼内还有咖啡机、饮水机、休息室等。学生安排校内住宿,宿舍配备:宽带、公用厨房、洗衣房等。学校设有国际学生活动中心,供学生休闲、学习、上网。5.费用1)报名费:人民币 520元;2)学费:人民币 17,000 元/学期;3)来华留学生综合医疗保险:800 元/年;4)住宿费: 双人间:60元/人/天;单人间:110元/人/天; 住宿基本设施:书桌、空调、冰箱、独立卫生间、公用厨房等。二、奖学金资助内容及标准:预科学院设有上海市政府国际学生奖学金,奖学金分为四类:三、申请须知(一)申请条件: 1)年满18周岁,不超过23周岁的外籍人士; 2)身体健康(需要提供正规医院签发的《外国人体格检查表》); 3)高中阶段品学优异,有良好的学习发展潜力; 4)申请预科一等奖学金者,汉语水平需达到HSK3级及以上,高中课程平均绩点或成绩均分(等第):最低达到满分的90%(绩点:3.6/4,4.5/5;成绩:90/100或者A); 5)达到申请院校奖学金录取条件; 6)申请奖学金的同学,须未同时获得中国政府其它各类奖学金。(二)申请办法: 1)本科阶段计划在上海的各所大学就读的学生,请通过上海各大学申请,由推荐大学向上海师范大学出具推荐意见,学生可登陆上海师范大学国际学生在线申请系统注册并提交申请材料。 2)本科阶段计划在上海师范大学就读的学生可直接向上海师范大学申请,学生可登陆上海师范大学国际学生在线申请系统https://apply.shnu.edu.cn注册并在线提交相关材料。 3)计划自费就读的同学请直接向上海师范大学申请。登陆上海师范大学国际学生在线申请系统https://apply.shnu.edu.cn,注册并在线提交相关材料。 4)在线申请的具体步骤,请参阅:上海市国际学生预科学院在线申请指南。若仍有其他申请相关疑问,欢迎 通过邮件、微信等联系方式咨询我们。(三)申请材料:1)申请费转账凭证(人民币520元或80美元),可在线缴纳(费用一旦缴纳,不予退还);2)身体健康证明(需要提供正规医院签发的《外国人体格检查表》);3)高中毕业证书(应届生可提交预计毕业证明;若是非中、英文本,须附上经公证的中文或英文翻译件,来华报到注册时需核验原件);4)高中阶段完整的成绩单(若是非中、英文本,须附上经公证的中文或英文翻译件);5)申请人所在国高考或者会考的成绩单,若无此材料,须提供相应说明(若是非中、英文本,须附上经公证的中文或英文翻译件);6)其他证明个人学习能力或活动能力的奖励证书(若是非中、英文本,须附上经公证的中文或英文翻译件);7)汉语学习证明(HSK 3级或以上证书或正规机构出具的汉语学习证明);8)如果有大学的学习经历,必须提供完整的学习成绩单(若是非中、英文本,须附上经公证的中文或英文翻译件);9)自我介绍(包括学习计划等,不少于800字);10)个人简历(须详细说明从高中毕业到现在的学习、工作经历,时间必须连续且完整);11)高中教师或相关教师的推荐信(推荐信须注明推荐教师的职务、所在单位、联系电话和电子邮件等联系方式,若是非中、英文本,须附上经公证的中文或英文翻译件);12)监护人同意书(仅未满18周岁且自费的学生提供);13)无犯罪证明书(由警察局或就读学校提供);14)护照个人信息页(已在中国大陆境内的申请人还需提供当前有效的签证页或居留许可页的扫描件);15)二寸证件照2张(同护照照片尺寸)(四)申请截止日期:奖学金生:申请截止日期为2021年5月15日自费生:申请截止日期为2021年6月9日,以完成网络申请,并上传完整的材料且缴纳报名费为准。预科学院统一评审后,将在7月初通过邮件通知学生录取情况及奖学金授予情况,并在国际交流处网站()公示。请申请学生注意及时查看报名邮箱。(五)开学时间: 2021年9月份(具体时间以录取通知书通知为准)。所有学生必须根据录取通知书中的要求,按时报到并注册入学。 (六)学习时间:2021年9月中旬至2022年6月底(秋季学期、寒假学期和春季学期)。(七)其他:预科学院实行季度评审,预科学院的学生每三个月参加一次学业评估,依据评估结果动态调整班级和奖学金类型;一年学习期满后,根据最后评测情况,表现优秀的同学可以优先申请本科阶段上海市政府外国留学生奖学金。。四、联系方式地址:中国上海徐汇区桂林路100号外宾楼北楼209/207办公室邮编:200234电话:86-21-64323111/64322493 传真:86-21-64321575电子邮箱:[email protected] 网址:微信号:Shanghai International Students Pre-college (SISP), sponsored by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, has been hosted by Shanghai Normal University (SHNU) for its course design and delivery, and management since 2012.SISP aims to cultivate potential students academically, linguistically and culturally for the universities in Shanghai. Supported by a team of strong and experienced teaching staff, the curricula and courses of SISP are specifically customized for the needs of international students. SISP always welcomes applicants who pursue to develop their academic competence in this metropolitan city: Shanghai.ApplicantSISP is open to foreign nationals who wish to pursue undergraduate studies in Shanghai, and yet need to improve their Chinese language proficiency, cross-cultural communication competence and required academic abilities for undertaking undergraduate studies in Shanghai.CourseSISP program provides one-year full-time intensive courses, which are:1st semester: intensive Chinese language and culture courses (30 class sessions per week);2nd semester: intensive Chinese courses, Math, Business Chinese, Chinese culture courses and comprehensive science and humanities courses (30 class sessions per week);Extracurricular activities, including Chinese Corner, International Cultural Festival, etc.Teaching StaffTeachers, specially selected, are experienced in delivering courses to international students.Most of them have been teaching SISP students for years and have accumulated much experience in classroom management and manipulating teaching techniques to meet the needs of international students.Living FacilitiesSISP students are provided with on-campus accommodation with access to the Internet, shared kitchen, laundry room, sports facilities, spatial recreational centers, etc.Feesa)Application fee: RMB520.00 or USD80.00 (non-refundable).b)Tuition fee: RMB17,000.00/semester.c)Comprehensive medical care insurance: RMB 800/yeard)Accommodation: All on-campus accommodations are in Xuhui.RMB60/person/day for a double room and RMB110/person/day for a single room with A/C, fridge, reading desk, en-suite bathroom, shared kitchen.e)HSK test fee (if applicable)f)Textbook feeSISP ScholarshipSISP provides scholarship to outstanding applicants. The scholarship has four categories:**We also welcome self-financed applicants to study at SISP. Notes:a. The applicants who receive Type A, Type B+ or Type B prize are NOT allowed to change their universities for their undergraduate studies upon completing SISP.b. The applicants who receive Type C prize or are self-financed can choose their undergraduate studies in any universities in Shanghai and apply for a new scholarship.c. All students must be evaluated once every three months,the result of which determines the adjusting of the scholarship and the regrouping of the learning classes.d. After completing the study with distinguished evaluation results, students can apply for the four-year undergraduate scholarship program (the subsidy is similar to that of Shanghai Government Scholarship).Requirements1.Non-Chinese citizen aged between 18 and 23.2.In good health (Physical Examination Record Form for Internationals must be provided by authorized hospitals).3.Outstanding academic performance in high school studies4.Chinese Proficiency: HSK3 or above and GPA >90% of the total score.(for full scholarship applicants)5.Meet the entrance criteria for the undergraduate programs in the host university.6.Not granted any other Chinese scholarships (for scholarship applicants) .How to apply1.Apply to the universities located in Shanghai for your undergraduate studies. Follow the application procedure and requirements of your target university and just directly contact the university.2.For applicants who wish to study their undergraduate program in SHNU, directly apply to SHNU or SISP. Visit https://apply.shnu.edu.cn for online application and submit relevant materials and documents. 3.For self-financed applicants, apply to SHNU directly. Visit https://apply.shnu.edu.cn for online application and submit relevant materials and documents. For more info about online application, go to The Guideline for Shanghai International Students Pre-college Online Application or contact us via e-mail, Wechat, etc. See Contact Info.Materials to be submitted1.Bank transfer voucher of the application fee (RMB 520 or US $80). The fee can also be paid online (once the fee is paid, it is non-refundable)2.Physical Examination Record Form for Internationals. It must be provided by authorized hospitals.3.Certified scan copy of secondary school graduation certificate (Fresh graduate may submit proof for possible graduation; notarized Chinese or English translated copy is required for non-Chinese or non-English documents.)4.Certified scan copy of secondary school academic transcripts (Notarized Chinese or English translated copy is required for non-Chinese or non-English documents.)5.National College entrance examination record. If not applicable, do provide relevant statements. (Notarized Chinese or English translated copy is required for non-Chinese or non-English documents.)6.Other certificates proving academic performance or social capabilities (Notarized Chinese or English translated copy is required for non-Chinese or non-English documents)7.Chinese Proficiency certificate (HSK 3 or above, or Chinese learning certificates issued by authorities.)8.If already a registered institute student, a full transcript at current institute must be provided (Notarized Chinese or English translated copy is required for non-Chinese or non-English documents).9.Personal statement, no less than 800 words, stating personal strengths, study plan, and reasons for choosing the program.10.CV (State your study and work experience, including part-time job, starting from senior secondary school)11.Two recommendation letters from high school teachers or experts (Notarized Chinese or English translated copy is required for non-Chinese or non-English documents. The letter should indicate the occupation, post, contact information of the referee)12.Guarantee Letter (required for applicants aged below 18 and self-financed) 13.None-criminal Proof Letter from the police or schools14.Photocopy of the passport (applicants in China need to provide a photocopy of the currently valid visa page or residence permit page.)15.Passport-sized photoNote: Should the materials listed above are not complete, the application is considered invalid.Application DeadlineMay 15, 2021: for scholarship applicants.June 9, 2021: for self-financed applicants.The result will be sent to the applicants by early July via e-mail and publicized at :You are advised to visit your mailbox regularly and log in to SISP online application system to check your application status. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us via e-mail, Wechat, etc.Registration TimeThe academic year starts in September (do refer to the admission letter for the exact date) All successful applicants must register at SHNU on the due date. Failure to register with no sound reasons will lead to the cancellation of the scholarship and the program.Program DurationFrom mid-September, 2021 to late June, 2022, including a winter semester.OthersStudents holding an SISP outstanding academic record will have the priority to apply for the Shanghai Government Scholarship (Type A or B) for the study of undergraduate program in the host university.Contact InfoAddress:Room 209/207,International Affairs Office,Shanghai Normal University,100 Guilin Road,Xuhui District,Shanghai,China.Post Zip: 200234Tel: +86-21-64323111/64322493Fax: +86-21-64321575E-mail: [email protected]: WeChat: